Nov 16, 2007

Chapter Two: The Show Must Go On!

Oh, yes, what an inspiring title . . .not that it will necessarily have any affect on this post, but I'm trying anyways.

A bit after we tried to settle in, my auntie (yes, the hospitable one previously mentioned) and uncle and cousin . . .and cousin's cousin (but not my cousin. . .don't ask me how that works), all came down to visit. The set of three cousins, all related--but not all related to each other--- went on an adventure down to "The South's Favorite Amusement Park--Lake Winnepeseuka" . . . otherwise know as Lake Winnie.
Unfortunately, I don't have digital pics. although my cousin gave me some "hard copies." All that was said to say-well, we roasted . . .red like beets. . . kinda sorta . . .but we had a really great time.

Meanwhile, my aunt and uncle were busily helping my parents as you can see below . . .

So what does Trixie have to say about all this? Well, at first she moped, but that was because of the Awful heat!!!

Shortly after we arrived here, the mission in Dalton held their VBS. We had Clunky the Clown for a visit, along with his wife and daughter, Bethany. Whoever got a certain amount of points got to pie the clown with whipped cream. . .unfortunately he wasn't able to enjoy that wonderful stuff being crammed into his poor face because he is allergic to dairy products!!!

These are some of my LOVELY children!!!

Lovely isn't he? Perhaps later I can share some--more natural expressions. Hope you enjoyed this--comments welcome!!!

Nov 10, 2007

The Great Exodus

"So, how did you come to be in Georgia?" you ask.

Ah, my child, that is quite a tale.

Nevertheless,I will share it.

You see, Cincinnati, Home of the Reds,

(yes, Zachary, I hear you cheering!)

was my former home.

I was happy and content, but apparently it came time to move on. Thus, the start of my story.

Loading up our belongings (fewer than before, due to a large yard sale that many of you may remember), in a full sized moving truck and our pick-up, pictured below.
"Was it sad?"

Well, yes.
But, as many of you are aware, I have this great little sense of adventure. This helped to pique my curiosity and I was very excited about the move.

There is a part that I would like to share. I had to say Good-bye to Michaela Shaub the evening before we left. She completely broke down and sobbed as her mother (poor thing) carried her to the car. That was . . .a moving experience. Sniffle.

But I digress. My dearest pet, Trixie Belden, accompanied our--let us say--tour of the countryside, and kept my father good company, as you can see below.

After an overnight stop at the home of my hospitable auntie (trust me, I don't call her that!), we continued on and arrived safely at our new home.

Following a restful night at the Watson's lovely residence, we tackled preparing our new house for all our stuff . . .ALL our stuff. Oh boy.

I must say that the job would have taken an age and an eon and way more energy than we had if we hadn't had the help of some very dear friends that we had met in Texas.

The group pictured are the family and friends of Bro. and Sis. Shields. Bro. Shields's great generosity is the reason that my room is

I would like to mention

that the gentleman on the left is recovering from a recent surgery for colon cancer. He is still very weak, and he and his family would very much appreciate your prayers.

Oct 20, 2007

Current Events In the Velazquez Regime

This weekend we have gathered together for a joyous and yet heart-wrenching occasion. Yes, my friends, Eagle Loop is the gathering place for the celebration of the illoustrious Joy Velazquez's birthday. Also present: 2cd Lt. Jeffrey Velazquez-husband of the illoustrious Joy - his greatest claim to fame, in my opinion, Joshua Velazquez--brother-in-law of the Joy, my parents, and myself. But Wait!!! we have forgotten one vital member!!! Daisy Duck Velazquez (otherwise known as "Daisy the Destroyer" or "Ditzy Daisy Duck." One of the three will work, in my humble opinion.

The other event, a rather sobering one in fact, is the farewell of 2cd. Lt. Velazquez. His departure will storm upon us all too quickly. His noble service in the United States Army is and should be recognized and appreciated as our protection overseas. I ask for your prayers for his safety and for comfort for the family left behind.

Futher updates on the weekend will be posted. . .hopefully. Thank-you for listening, please keep your dial tuned, and if you have a dial--go get a new radio.

Oct 12, 2007

Oh Yeah!!!

Ah, the blessing of freedom of speech. Don't get nervous, I'm just celebrating our great country's liberties. I think I had something important to say, but I kinda forgot. (Wow, how rare). Actually, as this is the introduction to my new blog (and your new favorite blog, I might add), I'm just letting you know that I'm here to fill you in on our move this summer and how things are going down here in GA. I'm very enthusiastic about the mission in Dalton, GA, an area that has been nicknamed "Little Mexico"!!! We've got some adorable kids here, and I can't wait for you to "meet" them!!!
A note to those I left behind: I miss you . . .I miss you . . .I miss you; however, Jesus has been pouring more blessing into my life lately, and now I have not only wonderful memories and friendships in OH, but great new friendships (and challenges) here.

"There are only two unchanging factors: the first is God, the second is change." God Bless!