This weekend we have gathered together for a joyous and yet heart-wrenching occasion. Yes, my friends, Eagle Loop is the gathering place for the celebration of the illoustrious Joy Velazquez's birthday. Also present: 2cd Lt. Jeffrey Velazquez-husband of the illoustrious Joy - his greatest claim to fame, in my opinion, Joshua Velazquez--brother-in-law of the Joy, my parents, and myself. But Wait!!! we have forgotten one vital member!!! Daisy Duck Velazquez (otherwise known as "Daisy the Destroyer" or "Ditzy Daisy Duck." One of the three will work, in my humble opinion.
The other event, a rather sobering one in fact, is the farewell of 2cd. Lt. Velazquez. His departure will storm upon us all too quickly. His noble service in the United States Army is and should be recognized and appreciated as our protection overseas. I ask for your prayers for his safety and for comfort for the family left behind.
Futher updates on the weekend will be posted. . .hopefully. Thank-you for listening, please keep your dial tuned, and if you have a dial--go get a new radio.