A bit after we tried to settle in, my auntie (yes, the hospitable one previously mentioned) and uncle and cousin . . .and cousin's cousin (but not my cousin. . .don't ask me how that works), all came down to visit. The set of three cousins, all related--but not all related to each other--- went on an adventure down to "The South's Favorite Amusement Park--Lake Winnepeseuka" . . . otherwise know as Lake Winnie.
Unfortunately, I don't have digital pics. although my cousin gave me some "hard copies." All that was said to say-well, we roasted . . .red like beets. . . kinda sorta . . .but we had a really great time.
Meanwhile, my aunt and uncle were busily helping my parents as you can see below . . .

Shortly after we arrived here, the mission in Dalton held their VBS. We had Clunky the Clown for a visit, along with his wife and daughter, Bethany. Whoever got a certain amount of points got to pie the clown with whipped cream. . .unfortunately he wasn't able to enjoy that wonderful stuff being crammed into his poor face because he is allergic to dairy products!!!
These are some of my LOVELY children!!!
Lovely isn't he? Perhaps later I can share some--more natural expressions. Hope you enjoyed this--comments welcome!!!