hmmmmm...what?!!! huh!? I'm so confused...Mars??? wait, what's the floor doing above me? Ohhhhh, what's going on? Oh, it's's (yawn) really early. Ohhhh myyy. 5:30....soooo not happening... After my mother unearthed me at that ungracious hour of morning, I sat on the edge of my bed, desperately trying to figuire out what was up and what was down. Obviously, the corners of my mouth couldn't figuire that out, because I kept switching from crying to laughing and back! Anyways, we arrived at the Baptist Church in Dalton (that so graciously lent us their huge fellowship hall, and got it in order for rehersal. The children arrived, we ran through our rehersal, and we left. After getting home, I had a very ridiculosly short amount of time to wash my hair and get ready, (an hour), and we left to go prepare. The Christmas play went well, praise the Lord! I was able to get some pictures...I may post more later. These two were scheduled to be in the play, but they had a trip to take, so they weren't there.
Sitlali and Saul.

Our main actress (who is very camera shy--I was lucky to get this one).
Bitia (pronounced Pa-tee-u)

Our crowd of about 90-100! (pretty good for us!!!)

Our angelita!!!

The great (but sleepy) shepherd Pablo!

Great Mago (King) Rafael.

Crazy Carlos the Shepherd (with Ivan in the back)

Ivan...trying to be ....uh, coy, or something...

Our very enthusiastic (ahem) angels.
Eddie and Omar.

The nuttiest of all the angels....Eddie.

Actors Genaro (Hen-ard-oh) and Socorro.

The mischeivious Ociel.

Carlos doing the motion for "king" (that yours-truly made up)

Unless you want trouble, don't put these guys together!
Pablo and Ivan

Actress Silvia the

Good police cop (in the play) Venicio.

Evil King Herod Jose
(that's not very scary...till he decides he really likes my "shiny, sharp" knife....ohhhh boy....)

My mother...demonstrating how to take the offering and what to do with the jk!!! she was helping the kids...Actually, she directed the entire thing....Bless her little heart!

What faces you make, Eddie!

The dear bro-in-law Jeffrey sent these lovely flowers to my mother....stand in awe and utter amazment at their regal beauty!!!

That's it for tonight! Enjoy!