Feb 21, 2008

My Confession

No, my friend, I don't mean that as in the title of Josh Groban's song! Actually, I was noticing how absolutely incredibly long it's been since I posted! As I sat, lulled by the not-so-warming glow of the PC, I asked myself the age old question---or not so age old---"What do I write on my blog?"
I'm sure you've all felt the icy fingers of that question as it attempts to utterly squeeze the very juice (whatever juice there is) out of your blogging career. I know you are all sitting on the very edge of your seat, waiting to hear my view on this deadly germ--or disease, as you might put it. Brace yourself.

THERE IS NO GERM, THERE IS NO DISEASE. Not in my case anyways. Yes, I have come to the point of . . .confession. I have been told I had these, well--I just can't be perfect!--these faults. Ahem. Ugly words, but, like many other things a normal part of life. Lets take the first one.

Procrastination. Nasty, huh? Yeah, yeah, I know, it seems to be a small thing, but apparently its more dangerous at second glance! You see, when you hang onto my every word like you do, not getting at least monthly post is like, well, yanking an IV out of some poor . . .SOMETHING! Hey, quit laughin'! T' isn't funny! OK, let's move on.

Perfectionism. How does that fit in? Well, when I sit down to write a post, I feel the restraint of perfectionism with it's high standards and requirements. The pull of 77 million pixel pictures (bit of exaggeration there) and perfect grammar. Oh yes, my friend, this is real, very real. But perhaps this has all become morose and normal for you; perhaps many of you have discovered this deep within you already! If that is the case, I have one last surprise for you:

Perhaps this all sounded like blabbering to you too?!!! My friend, listen to your heart, because IT WAS!
What a wicked joke, my goodness, what's gotten into me?


  1. Hey! Are ya coming to IHC??????? Call me soon! :)And by the way, we have State Competition Thurs!

  2. HI!!!!!!! Been a long time since I've been on a blog!!!

  3. I love your music:)::):):):):):):):):) It makes me feel happy:):):):):):):):):)

  4. Katrin said something about a site to get cool templates. What is it?

  5. I might as well leave you another one and make it four!

  6. Make that a high 5, hun!! I guess I'll take these frequent comments to mean that someone actually checks my blog and that I should post, right??? ok, ok, i get the message!! hehe bye
