May 29, 2008

Oh isn't it just loverly!!

So proud. So happy. Oh baby!


In case you couldn't figuire it out, I'm rather excited. You see, my dear peculiar treasures, I finished school.
And in case you couldn't figuire it out, that's good. No kidding? No Kidding!

And this is how I spent my day of freedom.

1. Got up early. Ugh
2. Saw mom off to visit her sister for the weekend. hehehe, sweet freedom
(Note: my conscience is telling me to go clean the kitchen right now, which reveals, of course, that it needs it)
3. Recieved a little dog to take care of. . .cute, cute, cute cute cute.
4. Spent my day on the computer and the couch.

UH-HUH, UH-HUH, UH-HUH. All this, of course, was authorized. . .by my mother, naturally.

As I sat down this evening (with full intentions of posting), I had a warm ball of fuzz on my lap, and a pile of big, beautiful strawberries to keep my bowl of sugar company. An hour later, that little mutt has left my lap, my sugar won't stick to my strawberries ('cause it got wet), and my headache is returning. Oh, poor me. The woes of laziness, it's so hard not to have any work at all. Pity me.

Ok, ok, jk. You all know I'm not usually this . . .um, apathetic--cool word, huh?--(I didn't finish my junior year without some recompense for my sufferings), but y'know. . .Oh, saying of the day:



  1. Nice post Marjy! Ruthanne and I like your blog, and we really like your font! She says hi, and we enjoyed looking at the slideshow. Hey, I like your Sweet Sixteen song.


  2. What a blah....err interesting blog! LOL! You have such an interesting way with words!
