Jan 1, 2009

Welcome 2009!

Happy New Year's!!!
We were blessed to have the Martin family and Quesenberry family for the day. We enjoyed 2 wonderful meals, Dutch Blitz, a hike, and other such activities.
The whole group is pictured below.

From left to right: Martha, Erica, Ryan and Uncle Jacob (listening to a football game...lol!)

The dear Daddy.

The Uncle Doug.

Playing with the horses.
The group of us.

Enjoying the photographic qualities of nature.

The group of us again.

Singing our way down the road.

Us girls.

The Martin Kids.

Erica and I.
The JoyBelle.

The Ryan.

The Chad---wick.

One of the guys trying to get some sleep on the long trip down here.

The Brothers (Ryan, Chad)

The JoyBelle.

My Friends, he started on the other side, slid through and caught himself with his feet, just so you could point and laugh...jk lol




  1. your pics are so good!!! they're adorable. i haven't talked to you in so long. miss ya bunches.

  2. Marj, nice post, have a great new year! :)

  3. cool pics...I use Picasa 3, from google to get all the frames etc. it's a fun, easy program!

    Your Christmas music is making me homesick for you all!! Miss you all so much! Are you going to be at the up coming wedding?
