Sep 26, 2008


Oh, help us...I've nearly got a headache...or a tumor, or something (inside joke there)...ANYWAYS, I listened to the candidates chatter on this evening, attempting in some way to sound intelligent, trying to cheerfully banter over whether taxes (which, by the way, did you know income tax is not constitutional?...but I digress) should or shouldn't have "loop-holes" (in other words, socialism...but I need to save this subject for my own privately hosted self-debate). Well, today we drove up to celebrate my dear uncle Doug's birthday (a little late, but oh well). He is going to show me a really funny show now, so I've got to run...

OH, one quick mid-year resolution! I might not have pics every post, but I'd like to put something small about my every-day life, say, every several days? (hehehe, and my inner plan-book chortles at the very idea...Marj? be consistent? HA! What high aspirations)
Yours sincerely,

Goodnight Y'all