Mar 20, 2010

Only What I Am

Oh, you humor me! If you only knew the tremendous fun I have watching you! How could you know? Ah, but in your complacent arrogance you think you know! Oh, must I spoil the fun and actually tell you? Yet, I suppose I must pity your ignorance and enlighten you—none too eagerly, though, I assure you. Let me tell you what I am—or perhaps, simply what I am not.
I offer this suggestion: what I am—or what I am not—has very much to do with you. Your perspective, your commitment, your depth—these will all determine your ability to recognize me as what I am truly meant to be.
Perhaps you find me to be an artistic sculpture. So you have discovered beauty in my varnished wood, fibered accessories and delicate symmetry, eh? Bless your heart, how kind of you!—but I’m afraid you’ve missed it. Would you care to try again? … Ah, so now I am an equation, a science to be studied? What have you found in your study of airflow, resonance, and acoustics? How dare you reduce me to mere figures, charts and measurable elements! For this, I despise your ignorance and rise to defend my case. Let us continue.
How is it that I am misused; can it be that you do not understand my purpose? It seems that to some I am, at the very least, an insignificant plaything; at the most, I have been consigned to hobby-hood! These nonchalantly attempt to imitate what only a few have mastered. My true potential is insulted by this breed of feeble motivation. Shall your ignorance drive you back—back into the milling masses of wretched oblivion? Disgruntled and misinformed, you will never have had the chance to know what I truly am. Wait! First I must tell you of a favored few. Hear me, one more time.
Few grasp truth. But it is the understanding in their hearts that has unveiled my secret. True understanding inspires devotion. This devotion, birthing dedication, shall finally coerce from me my finest gift—true music. It is only to these faithful mavericks that I become beauty, art… passion.
I plead for more. Oh for those to perceive me as I long to be. More that would know me for what I truly am. That is simply this: the expression of worship. My material aspects are only means to create a spiritual medium. Let me reach my full potential. Let me be the expression of some soul; let me be the gift to bless the ears of God. It is excelling in the arms of vibrant worship that I will truly be what I am…
a violin.

1 comment:

  1. What a nice post, Marjorie. Your writing is very nice.
