Feb 1, 2009

woe is me...

Why is it that those brilliant spurts of inspiration always seem to come in the middle of class? And, dear friend, can you explain why I always think I'll remember--and then don't?

I had one of those moments...then of course, I had that devastating crash so common to great journalists....Actually, I'm not really sure how that applies to me, now that you mention the "great journalists" part. Hmmmmmm...

I have some vague recollection of some political topic that somehow....
somehow related Obama to Mickey Mouse. But, like I said, it slipped my mind. Oh well!

Two quick bits of news! First, Jeffrey will be returning within 7 days! HOORAY!
Second, I have a cute Valentines post planned, so...lets just hope I remember! LOL

Thank-you for your kind patience with my rambling! God Bless!

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